More details will emerge on our Spring 2025 Leadership Trip soon enough, but you can trust us when we tell you that it'll be the place to be. We're kicking off the promotion period with three ways to earn your spot. Here they are:

Method 1: Level Up

This Method is dedicated to the Rank advancers: EAs who advance to Regional Director or above, and Regional Director or Senior Director who climb at least one rank during the promotion period. Partners and above automatically qualify.

Method 2: Next Wave of EAs

This one is for the wunderkinds: New EAs who join Think+ within the promotion period and rank advance to Director by the end of the year.

Method 3: Trip Match for Mentors

It takes a village. This is an option for EAs who don't earn the trip through Methods 1 or 2, but who sponsor a fast-rising EA. 

  • They’ve joined Think+ prior to July 1, 2024, and are a Director or above by December 31, 2024.
  • They personally enroll at least one new EA after July 1, 2024.
  • That personally sponsored EA or a downline EA within that leg A) is enrolled after July 1, 2024 and B) reaches Director or above within the promotion period.

Some Fine Print:

  • Trip Match winner has to be a Paid As Rank of Director at 12/31.
  • To qualify, EAs must be in Active status and in good standing at the end of the qualification period.  
  • Each EA can only win once: If an EA qualifies for the Incentive Trip through Method 1, 2, or 3, they will not be eligible to win an additional place on the trip through one of the other three methods. 
  • If an EA is unable to attend the trip, the trip is forfeited. Trips cannot be gifted, sold, nor carried over to the next trip, for all possible Methods.   
  • Please note that trips won in this incentive program may be considered taxable income by the IRS. We recommend consulting with a tax advisor for your individual circumstances.  
  • Electric & Community Solar Accounts must be in pending status by 12/31 in order to be included in the promotion. 
  • Winners will be allowed to invite a single guest. Guests must either be another Energy Advisor or a spouse/significant other. (Married and/or committed partners who each earn a spots on the trip will not have the option of inviting a guest and will be awarded a single room.) 
  • Think Energy reserves the right to adjust participation rules of the Incentive Trip, due to unforeseen situations.
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