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Leadership Q&A with Milton Burt, Jr.

Leadership Q&As are a series in which selected members of the Think+ community take a few moments to reflect on their experiences, offer advice to their fellow Energy Advisors, and look toward the future of Think+.

These insights from Regional Director Milton Burt, Jr. were provided during a conversation in October 2024.

What initially drew you to Think+?
Four things drew me to Think+:

  1. Having an understanding of energy and knowing that this is something everyone uses.
  2. The timing of the opportunity because I knew I could be a pioneer in this company.
  3. The leadership is second to none, and I have a tremendous amount of respect for my sponsor, Kirk Horan, and the Corporate Team.
  4. The compensation plan, which I believe gives everyone an opportunity to be successful.

How has being an Energy Advisor impacted your life?
I get fulfillment from helping others win in this industry, and I’ve been able to assist many of our SEU family in becoming successful. It's truly been a blessing for me to meet so many people and to have played a part in changing so many lives.

How has your definition of success evolved since you started with Think+?
It has helped me expand my reach and set higher goals for myself and my team. Instead of just believing I can help thousands of people win, I now envision myself helping millions to be successful in this company.

What are some of the biggest motivators that keep you pushing forward?
My family, time freedom, and the desire to give back and do great things for others, including my parents. The fact that I have been very successful in network marketing fuels my energy to share that same success with others.

What are some non-monetary rewards that drive you?
Seeing other people succeed, putting smiles on people’s faces, encouraging others to believe in themselves, and watching them win!

What personal goals do you set for yourself, and how do they contribute to your overall sense of achievement?
My goal is to help as many people as possible achieve success, and I understand that by default, I will also be successful.

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone considering becoming an Energy Advisor?
Take this opportunity seriously, and it will pay you seriously.

How do you empower and support your downline to succeed as Energy Advisors?
I invest time in my team, money into marketing and contests to keep them motivated, and I lead by example. I don’t just tell them what to do—I show them how it’s done. The success I have because of the time invested shows them that it’s possible to win in Think+ and encourages them to strive for the same level of success.

What kind of community do you foster within your downline?
We’re all one big family, and we are a competitive community striving to be the best!

Share a fun fact or unique story about your experience as an Energy Advisor.
I’ve been in Think Energy since January 2023 and held a position without working the business for 14 months. But when I finally took a serious look at the opportunity and realized it was the best one I’d ever seen, I hit the ground running and haven’t looked back.

What excites you most about the future of sustainable energy?
The income opportunity.

What are your biggest goals for your business moving forward?
To help as many people as possible and to impact lives all over the world.

When you think back about your expectations when you just started, what about Think+ has surprised you the most?
The love and support shown to me by Corporate, including CEO Michael Fallquist, SVP Brad Tayles, COO Christian McArthur, and the entire Think team.

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