We're Switching Background Check Vendors. What does that mean for you?
As of March 24, 2025, Think+ will have transitioned to a new vendor to process background checks for Energy Advisors (EAs).
Background checks are only required if you wish to promote Think+ or Think Energy in four specific states: Connecticut (where certification is needed to earn commissions from downline customers), Delaware, Illinois, and Maryland where you personally cannot market without one.
Here’s what you need to know about the change:
Q. What’s changing?
Think+ will begin using a new background check provider on March 24, 2025. If you have already passed or failed a background check, no action is needed. If your background check is Pending Review, it will be completed under our current vendor, TransUnion.
Q. What if I haven’t finished my background check?
If your background check falls into any other status, meaning not Passed or Failed, you’ll need to start or restart the process with the new vendor.
We will notify you when the transition is complete and provide instructions on what to do next. IMPORTANT NOTE: You will not be double-charged for having to restart the process.
Q. What do I need to do?
If your background check is completed, you’re all set! If you are in the Pending Review stage, your check will be finalized under TransUnion. If your background check is not completed and falls under the impacted statuses, you will be directed to restart the process when the new system goes live.
Q. What does the Think+ Compensation Plan say about background checks?
3.13 Energy Advisor: An individual or business who has completed the Think+ Energy Advisor enrollment and agreed to all legal agreements including, but not limited to, the Think+ Energy Advisor Terms & Policies. Energy Advisors are independent contractors and will not be able to enroll Customers until they have completed any required training. Due to regulatory requirements in various states, Energy Advisors will be required to successfully pass a criminal background check to sell in Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, and Maryland. Think+ may periodically require Energy Advisors to re-certify or take additional training to ensure compliance with Public Utility Commission regulations which are subject to change.