Empower24 is a weekend built on connection — an opportunity for all of us to grow together, absorb information, and position ourselves for exponential growth as we forge ahead. 

Plus, we’re running four promotions leading up to Empower24 that will literally transform your business overnight when you attend:

    • The Road to Empower24: Be a part of the largest collective Rank advancement in Think+ history at Empower24.
    • Room for Success: Earn $500 when you enroll ten or more eligible Think Energy or Think Community Solar customers and attend Empower24.
    • Texas Three-Step: Trigger additional bonuses on Texas-based customers when you attend Empower24.
    • Build & Empower: Empower24 attendees’ latest opportunity to earn Bonus Points when they bring in new EAs and help them build their businesses. 
    • RABs x2: Rank Advancement Bonuses — or Leadership Promotion Bonuses and Accelerated Leadership Bonuses, as they’re filed under in the Think+ Compensation Plan — can be worth twice as much when you head to Empower24. (Now through December!) 

Reserve your spot for the biggest weekend in Think+ history… so far. 

Purchase your tickets here.

*Please note, rooms are subject to availability and guests are responsible for booking their accommodations. Attendees will have the option to book through the room block through Sunday, 11/3, or until availability is exhausted. 

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